You in me

Dig i migENG

We influence and are influenced by each other. Both the positive and less positive ways.

  • We learn from each other.
  • We developed by each other.
  • We inspire each other.
  • We show paths for each other.
  • We are enriched by each other.

Tell colleagues, friends, family and others to another, primarily how we influenced in a positive way by the other.

  • I have learned from you …
  • I was inspired by you to…
  • When I do something, I often think of how you would have done it, for example …
  • You have made me realize …
  • Do you remember how you told me that you did some changes in your life …? I have been thinking about it and now I have…

I think this is one of the best feedback you can give somebody you care for!

Think about it, it might be someone that needs this feedback from you /be very happy to hear) or there is someone you want to give this kind of feedback to!